Do Hair Scissors Have a Screw? The Answer May Surprise You! - Japan Scissors

Do Hair Scissors Have a Screw? The Answer May Surprise You!

Do hair scissors have a screw? The answer is yes - every pair of hair scissors has an adjustable screw that helps manage the tension of the two blades. 

This screw is essential for ensuring that the blades are tightly secured together and adequate tension when opening and closing the scissors. Without this screw, hair scissors would be two separate blades that cannot cut hair.

While adjusting the screw on hair scissors is not a difficult task, it is important to know how to do it properly in order to get the best results. Too much tension can cause the blades to become stuck together, while too little tension can lead to poor cutting performance.

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Why do hair scissors have a screw?

Close up of hair scissor body

The answer is simple - it helps maintain the tension between the blades, which is essential for cutting hair. So next time you need to adjust the screw on your hair scissors, be sure to take your time and do it correctly!

Most scissors have a regular screw that tighten the tension on hair scissors with a tension key or screwdriver.

Regular screws generally feature a rounded slotted head, but they can occasionally come with various head designs. 

These screws aren't typically sold at hardware stores and can be specifically designed for a specific shear type. The threads of the screws are divided, and the length is split at which the threads are. The idea behind this is that the screw will open wider, holding the adjustment more securely. In reality, the truth is that the split often gets closed, and the screw is unable to control the adjustment.

For adjusting regular screws, Never over-tighten and then loosen until you reach the proper adjustment. If you do this, the parts of the cut more closely, and the screw won't hold.

How do you tell what screw your hair scissors have?

This is quite easy to do - most hair scissors or their documentation indicate what type of screw is used on your hair shears. 

This will help you identify which screwdriver or tool you need to adjust the tension.

Popular hair scissor brands generally include a tension tightening key. This circular object with various edges allows you to tighten all types of screws found on hair cutting & thinning shears.


Do hair scissors have a screw? The answer is yes - every pair of hair scissors has an adjustable screw that helps to manage the tension of the two blades.

This screw is essential for ensuring that the blades are tightly secured together and adequate tension when opening and closing the scissors. Without this screw, hair scissors would be two separate blades that cannot cut hair.

While adjusting the screw on hair scissors is not a difficult task, it is important to know how to do it properly in order to get the best results. Too much tension can cause the blades to become stuck together, while too little tension can lead to poor cutting performance.

So now you know - every pair of hair scissors has a screw, and it's important to know how to adjust it properly! Stay tuned for our next blog post, which will provide tips on correctly adjusting the screw on your hair scissors.

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