Where To Buy Hairdressing Scissors Online - Japan Scissors

Where To Buy Hairdressing Scissors Online

Find out where you can buy professional hairdressing scissors online!

There has never been so many different types of hairdressing scissors available online.

This can be good and bad, with so many new brands advertising fake "Japanese steel", and different types of hair scissors models making it challenging to choose a high-quality pair. 

Whether you are a hairdresser in Australia or New Zealand, or a barber in the USA or Canada, we have compiled the best list of where to buy professional hairdressing scissors online.

What makes a website the best for professional hair scissors?

  • Provide easy returns and exchanges for their customers
  • Safe payment options for Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, etc.
  • High-quality scissor brands like Yasaka, Juntetsu, Joewell, Kamisori, etc.
  • Good quality pictures and detailed descriptions of the scissor products 

The cheaper and new scissor brands falsely advertise high-quality steel, so it is important to buy good scissor brands from a reputable online store.

Find out why so many hairdressers and barbers are looking for a new and reliable online store.

The Best Online Stores For Professional Hairdressing Scissors

A picture tells a thousand words, and once you jump onto these websites, you'll begin to see why so many professionals choose them as their preferred scissor retailer.

1. www.JPScissors.com

Japan Scissors USA is a great online store for professional hairdressing scissors. Offering high-quality hair scissors and barber shear brands that allows hairstylists in America to give the best haircuts.

2. www.japanscissorshop.com

The second biggest hairdresser and barber market in America is obviously in Canada. Japan Scissor Shop is an excellent online store that caters to hairdressers and barbers all across Canada.

Find out why so many Canadian hairstylists are buying professional Japanese steel hairdressing scissors from the Japan Scissor Shop!

3. www.scissorhub.com.au

The best Australian hairdressing scissors is from Scissor Hub. Offering high-quality professional scissor brands online, ScissorHub.com.au has sales on premium haircutting and thinning scissors.

4. www.salonscissors.com.au

The best Salon Scissors in Australia allows you to cut hair professionally in the Salon.

5. www.kamisorishears.com

Kamisori Shears is a professional hairdressing scissor brand that offers custom and unique styles of haircutting shears.

6. www.barberscissors.com.au

Barber Scissors Australia is the best online source for premium barbering hair shears. Find the best barber haircutting scissors for Australian barbershops.

7. www.japanshears.com.au

Japan Shears brings the best Japanese style hairdressing scissors in Australia. Find out why so many hairstylists in Australia are buying Japanese hairdressing scissors.

8. www.hairscissors.com.au

Hair Scissors in Australia are available to buy from HairScissors.com.au - find out why so many professional hairdressers are buying their hair scissors online.

9. www.hairscissors.co.nz 

Hair Scissors New Zealand brings the best haircutting and thinning shears to hairstylists across Auckland, Christchurch and more! Find out where to buy hair scissors in NZ!

10. www.hairscissorsusa.com 

Hair Scissors USA is the best online store for hairdressing shears in America.

11. www.japanscissors.co.nz 

The Japanese online hairdressing store in New Zealand. Find out where to buy the best Japanese scissors in NZ.

12. www.canadascissors.com

The best Canadian hairdressing scissors in Vancouver, Canada. Find out why so many barbers and hairstylists are buying their professional hair scissors from CanadaScissors.com

This article was researched and referenced from the best sources:


  • I like to buy items online, but I was curious about whether the potential savings are worth it for buying hairdressing scissors online. An easy return policy is essential. What happens if the scissors are delivered, but they’re damaged? I’ve developed some vendors I trust based not only on price and product quality but the ease of returns. Good to see a list here for people to start with.


    Sawyer Davidson

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